Help - I’m stuck!

Women are notorious for thinking we can have and do it all. We can, but not alone. How, who and when to ask for help is a skill in itself. Trust your gut and you won’t go far wrong.


Trapped in a mess of his own making

This is my dog. He’s a dick! 

He thought it would be a good idea to truffle for guinea pig poo in this tunnel that I’d put out for cleaning. He’s really good at hunting and finding gross things to eat. He is not good at getting himself out of a pickle...or a torture tunnel. 

This photograph finds him clearly asking (sheepishly) for my help and feeling utter shame...deservedly so!

I like to find lessons in life’s little happenings and this got me thinking about escaping a tight spot...a metaphorical tunnel, if you will. 

How often have you become so blinkered by the task in hand that you couldn’t see your way through it? Or perhaps what you needed to achieve was simply outside your skillset? You probably even spent valuable time trying to do said thing and ended up with a result you felt was sub-standard. Or worse, no result at all.

As a small business owner with BIG ideas it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you have to know and do it all.

I’ve been guilty of this myself – tackled my own tax return. Of course I got it done, but it took me so long and was so unfulfilling. I wanted to be doing other things with that precious time...strategic planning, writing, and connecting with people. So, the following year I found a reasonably priced, reputable tax accountant who I liked.

Initially it made me feel a bit of a failure and OMG I resented spending my hard-earned cash on something I probably could do myself. But mostly, if I’m honest, it made me feel vulnerable. There was this thing that I couldn’t achieve on my own. What kind of I-can-have-it-all-Woman did that make me?

But I faced my shame and programming and am pleased to say that outsourcing my tax return has been one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. It liberated my time and energy and brought me bumper business joy.

As you read this, you will probably have thought of several things that fill you with dread. Tasks where you know your business will be better served by getting in help. It could be anything...building your brand...posting and answering your socials...writing super-persuasive words (call me!)...balancing your books...“menial” admin tasks...the list goes on...

I would urge you to embrace your vulnerabilities and ask for help. You will feel lighter, I promise.

Research what you need, ask your contacts for recommendations, have discovery calls so you are confident in what and who you are buying. You will feel in control.

And once the work has started, check in with them. Are you getting what you need? Can you do more to enhance what you get from them - better information, updates on your business successes and struggles? Can you authentically connect with them so that you feel liberated by confidence and trust? You will feel like the Boss you are.

Don’t be a dick sitting on a chair waiting sheepishly.  Ask for help to get out of that tunnel and plan for success.


“WTF is copywriting, anyway?”


Home: A place or a feeling?